The Sophia Show Unknown Episode Part 3

Hello, remember my last post? It was about a "lost episode" of The Sophia Show that was made by a psychopath. Well, if you have read the last two posts, you know what I am talking about. I recently got Nicolas' phone number, and gave it a call. Surprise, it was him. We talked for a while, until he asked me what happened to the tape. I told him that I had destroyed it, he said that it was "ok". I calmed down, knowing that he wasn't mad I destroyed it. I asked if he had found anymore of the mysterious intern's tapes, he said that he found another one in the intern's office labeled "SOPHIASHOWPART3". He also said, that he found a flash drive labeled "crappy edit". 
So, I paid him 5 dollars, and he said he would sent it to me in 2-3 days (much like the other scarring tape). "Why do you even want to see these tapes, their messed up" He asked. I told him, that if I'd get all of the tapes, they could maybe answer my questions. A couple days had passed, and I was still waiting eagerly for the tapes. I heard a "ding-dong" at the door, and went to answer it. It was Nicolas, he handed me the tapes, and said goodbye. There, in my hands was the VHS and the flash drive. I went upstairs, looking for my laptop, and inserted the flash drive into it. It showed a black-and-white photo of a girl in a hospital bed, while two people were staring at her looking afraid.
The thing that pushed me off as "wrong", was her eyes. They were black, soulless, eyes. Just two gaping-holes on a face, very disturbing. The words, "I AM LISTENING", were above her in red font. I was a little disturbed, but pressed on, hoping it was a sick joke. Next, was the tape. It was just as Nicolas described, just plain marker with "SOPHIASHOWPART3" on it. Just then, I got a message from Facebook. I went to check it, and was very disturbed at its contents.
I dropped the phone in confusion. Was this the intern? What did he want with me? So many questions with little-to-no answers. I checked the sender, the person was named "I AM LISTENING", and the icon was-that-of a girl. Though, her eyes were gaping-holes. I was very freaked out, hoping to get to the bottom of this. I inserted the "last" tape, and letted it play. It showed a new character named "Nell", he was walking down a endless road. Only stopping in front of a theme park, similar to the first and second movie. 
"I've been looking for her all day," Said the boy, "Maybe she's here!".
Meanwhile, in between frames of "I AM LISTENING" played. It showed the boy, now in the theme park, watching the animatronics. One of them, looked like the girl from the 1&2 movie. "Sophia?" Asked the boy, but the animatronic said "I am listening". The animatronic grabbed the boy, and began to eat him. Blood splattered everywhere, all over the other animatronics (Mom, Dad, Alexa, Grampa). A creepy song entitled "I am listening to you" played. Then, the animation became inverted. "I am listening to you" played backwards, as the others soon joined in on the feast. Meanwhile, a frame-by-frame slideshow of a murder played. There he was, raping a 3-year old girl, it was the intern. 
"I am listening, I am listening
to yooooou.
Your never alone, when I-I-I am ar-r-round,
Hush, Hush, Hush, little baby. Just don-t-t-t say a word.
Mommy gonna make you a r-r-rag d-d-doll."
Those lyrics are stuck in my head, and will never leave. It showed the boy, who was now a bloody-pulp. The animatronics were dancing on a pentagram. The song continued...
"W-w-why? Make the paaaaain' go away.
Hail-Hail-Hail our kinnnng.
Heil our king, who must con-con-consume."
The animatronics fell down, the music stopped, everything stopped. Except, for the intern, standing in the middle of the pentagram. The video now became warped, as the intern fell down. The sound of police-cars driving by, played. The video stopped, I was now at the "PLAY" screen. Ever since I watched this, I been stalked. Everytime, I wake up with cuts. I now hum the song to myself.
"I am listening, I am listening
to yooooou.
Your never alone, when I-I-I am ar-r-round,
Hush, Hush, Hush, little baby. Just don-t-t-t say a word.
Mommy gonna make you a r-r-rag d-d-doll.
W-w-why? Make the paaaaain' go away.
Hail-Hail-Hail our kinnnng.
Heil our king, who must con-con-consume."